Our Family
At Our Shepherd, you’ll find a place to connect with a real family.
Our Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is a group of God’s people gathered in worship, committed to God’s Word, and dedicated to sharing God’s love with others. Your relationship with God begins when God gives you Christ’s gifts of life and love. Jesus lived and died on the cross so that your sins may be forgiven and that you may receive everlasting life. In worship, God creates and strengthens faith. We respond to God’s love with thanks, praise and by walking in His way. “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” (John 4:23 ESV)

Andy Berg
Pastor Andy graduated with his Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis on May 20, 2022. He received a Divine Call on April 28, 2022. Pastor Andy was Ordained and Installed on July 10, 2022.
Pastor Andy has used his God-given talents by heading up the mission and community outreach aspect of Our Shepherd. The annual Harvest Festival and the twice montly Food Pantry Mission are evdence of his dedication to the great commison

Arlyn Meyer
Director of Christian Education
Arlyn finds joy in helping people connect with God’s Word and encouraging them to live out the Christian faith
in their daily lives.
He began serving in youth and family ministry in 2003, and then completed the DCE Colloquy
program in 2009 through Concordia University, St. Paul, MN. He was installed as Director of Christian Education at
Our Shepherd in 2022 and continues to support families of all ages in their walk with the Lord.
Arlyn is married to Amanda and has two children, Autumn and Noah; and enjoys music, sports, spending time with
his family, and being outdoors.

Heather Abernathy
Church Relations Director
Heather Abernathy, our Church Relations Director, has been with Our Shepherd since 2016 and is responsible for church communications, service preparation and membership-related ministry, but most importantly, for connecting with our guests so they feel welcome. She also has a special God-given gift – the knack for remembering names.

Steve Hohnstadt
Sanctuary Music Director
Steve is from the Detroit area and holds a music degree from Concordia University Wisconsin with a master’s from the University of Alabama. He served at congregations in Houston and Kansas City before coming to Our Shepherd in October of 2020. Here, he leads the music program for our traditional worship services by playing the organ and piano and directing the choir, handbells, and other music groups. He also teaches band and classroom music in our school for third through eighth grade.

Steve Klatte
Financial Manager
Steve joined Our Shepherd as the Business Manager in December of 2022. He lives in Plainfield with his wife Jessica and their 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his family, travelling, and sports. Steve and his family attend Connection Pointe in Brownsburg.